Frequently Asked Questions

Can I book a Couples Massage?
Yes, please leave comment and request “Couples Room” when you book from Online Booking Site.
If you are not able to find the spots for two at same time, please email to
We recommend to book in advance for couple treatment to secure your room.
Can I have same therapist who did my treatment at the last time?
Yes, please request or leave comment when you book.
We will try to schedule same therapist but please understand due to the therapist schedule it might not be able.
Can I use Gift Voucher?
Yes, please leave your Voucher Code or Number as comment when you book from Online Booking Site.
Please make sure your Voucher is not expired.
Can I purchase Gift voucher online?
Yes, please visit Online Gift Voucher site for purchasing our Gift Voucher.
I don’t want to put my card details to confirm my appointment. How can I keep my appointment?
We ask all customers to confirm an appointment to prevent any NO SHOW or TOO LATE CANCELLATION as we have 2 Hours Cancellation Policy.
If you wouldn’t like to put your card details to our booking system, please pay in advance to confirm your appointment by Over the phone, Bank transfer or visit our reception directly before your appointment time.
I need to cancel my appointment, what is your cancelation policy?
Please advise us at least 2 hours before your appointment time in case if you need to cancel or reschedule appointment.
We charge 50% for too late cancelation or reschedule and 100% for No show in 2 hours change.
Please understand we do prepare your room and therapist for your appointment.
I need to cancel my appointment, but reception is not open.
Please access to the booking website link from your confirmed SMS message, Email or please Email to if you need to cancel your appointment urgently.
Can I use shower after the massage?
Please request when you book your appointment.
And please noted we charge for the time of using shower room.
Can I use Private Health to rebate?
Yes, if you book for Remedial massage but not with the other treatments.
Please book in advance if you like to book for Remedial massage and please fill up your consultation form before you arrive at salon to save your treatment time.
We send you consultation form via email when you book the Remedial massage.
Do you open Public Holidays?
Yes, we open on Public Holiday.
Please be noted 15% Holiday charge will be applied on any treatment.